What Features To Look For In A Mattress?


With customers looking for new and innovative features, it is not uncommon to find mattresses with quirky features. Are these a necessity, or these add-ons worth considering? To prevent feeling frazzled, a quick run-through of these will be useful.

1. USB ports

Not a fan of waking up in the morning to a phone that is low on battery power? In the current age of “staying connected”, smart designs are all the rave now. The float adjustable bed with natura mattress and USB Ports, for example, features a sleek design and easy-reach accessibility. With this feature, you can bid adieu to tangled messes of wires and scrambling around in your room for your device. 

2. Hypoallergenic materials

Wondering which mattress material is the best? This depends on the longevity and extent of protection you are looking for. If you’ve got concerns with the effects of allergy triggers such as dust mites, mould, and bacteria, then a hypoallergenic mattress is the way to go. Of the few common materials – latex, bamboo, organic wool, and others – some provide a form of protection against allergens. Able to fight bacterial growth and reduce allergies, hypoallergenic materials are the safer choice for babies and children, keeping their allergies and even asthma at bay. 

3. Adjustability

Most mattresses are the standard flat, non-adjustable pads that we are all used to. But for an elevated and ergonomic sleeping experience, a smart bed that comes with a motorised base is the mattress for you! So, why would you need an adjustable base?  Found almost exclusively in hospitals, adjustable mattresses allow you to raise your upper body or legs, relieving you of symptoms ranging from snoring and breathing difficulties to acid reflux and oedema. 

Purchase The Best Mattress In Indonesia From Cellini!

Have a mattress in mind that you’d like to purchase? Make your purchase online or in-store at Cellini and enjoy a 10-year limited warranty! You can head down to one of our showrooms or opt for delivery to a local address. And if that’s not enough, keep a lookout for amazing deals on our salespage. 
Looking for more than just a mattress? Browse our bedroom package on Cellini today!

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